Defining the Assignment of the Public Employee and some of the Problematic Issues with the Iraqi Law A Comparative Study
All public institutions are governed by their systematic nature. Hence, the public employee, who works in those institutions, abides by different legal issues, which prevent any kind of disorder, that matter that may damage the benefit of the profitable people if the employee gives up working or is maltreated. Among these issues is assigning the public employee which means “the management assigns an employee to work for a vacant job for a period of time, because the original employee is not there for one reason or another, especially if there is no legal arrangement for this assignment”.The huge number of experimentations for this issue whether in Iraq or the region of Kurdistan resulted in a big misconception in its conditions, effects and other issues, which contributed in the administrative corruption, because it was done on many occasions to achieve personal interests. For this reason we called for legalizing it and organizing it within the law of the civil service in a way that leads to the achievement of the required goals, like systematic work of the public institutions in order to achieve the common interests and saving the legitimatization of the state, eliminating the corruption and safeguarding its social ladder.