Effect of Propolis on Fungal Infection for Denture Wearers and Dry Socket
Propolis is consist of various amounts of resins and beeswaxes thatproduced by the honeybees from different natural plants, as leafbuds and flowers. It is a sticky and dark-brown color material thatproduced by honeybees from natural plants that the bees mixed itwith wax and applied it in building, construction and adaptation ofthe nests specially in repair cracks and defects in the bees hive.They have been used in medical folk or medical traditional sincetimes of ancient. It is now known to be natural medical treatmentwith, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxiditive, antitumor andmmunomodulatory properties. These medical properties ofpropolis are motivating isolation researches, identification of thepossible relationship of these with its biological activity, andchemical compounds. It was used in dentistry for healing ofsurgical wound (or post-surgical mouth pain), toothhypersensitivity, pulp capping and root canal treatment. Propolishas a promising goal in future medically. This research shows theapplication of propolis, clinically, as a natural dental medicine.Furthermore; systemic and clinical applications of these drugs mayhave some adverse effects like liver toxicity, drug interactions etc.Using propolis as antifungal by local application shown that itreduces the incidence of dry socket and denture stomatitis thatassociated with the Candida. In present study, the propolis hasbeen used in the following manner. It is applied to the tissuesurfaces of dentures, two times daily for two weeks. Propolis puttycan also applied to dry socket cases after complete debridementand irrigation of it. The results showed after use propolis that thesigns and symptoms including pain, redness and inflammationareas related stomatitis were gradually disappear, after 2 to 14days the denture stomatitis is healing by using a propolis paste.Propolis putty has an effect on the fungal infection of dry socketthat gradually reduced pain and inflammation until completehealing. Aim of the study, after the treatment of patients withdenture stomatitis, they were subjected to examination andevaluation of the mucosa and socket, Candidal quantitativecultures and confirmation the diagnosis by three methods: Germtube, Gram Stain, and ChromAgar media.