The Various Advantages in the Answers of the Questions of Ibn Idrees Al-Hilli


The present paper attempts to shed light on a type of jurisprudential classification; namely, answering the questions. I ave made the focus of this paper on the questions of the Jurisprudent Ibn Idrees Al-Hilli(died598 A H). It is divided into three chapters. Chapter One contains a biography of the Jurisprudent Ibn Idrees Al-Hilli. Chapter Two deals with the history of this type of classification and the stages of its development: the first stage is the mutual writings of the companions of the Imams(Pbut); the second stage is what is known as the answers of the questions; the third stage is what is known as the question and the answer. I have mentioned the difference between these types. Chapter Three is concerned with the advantages included in this Epistle classifying them under the following titles:1. Explaining the jurisprudential expressions2. Explaining the jurisprudential terminology3. Explaining the equivocal traditions4. Surveying the social matters and historical events5. The linguistic advantages and the semantic studies6. the theological advantages and controversial questions7. Advantages in biographical evaluation and biographies8. Transferring texts from lost sources9. Ramification10. Mentioning the authorized base of deduction11. The possibility of deducting the depended basis of the Jurisprudent out of his answers.I have mentioned enough examples for each of the titles of thebook and referred to their equivalents in the other books related tothis type of classification, either in the footnotes or in the main body of the book.

