Congestion Avoidance and Control in Internet Router Based on Fuzzy AQM


The internet has made the world a little community, linking millions ofpeople, organizations, and equipment for different purposes. The greatimpact of these networks in our lives makes their efficiency a vital matterto take care of, and this needs handling some problems includingcongestion. In this paper, the fuzzy-PID controller is used to control thenonlinear TCP / AQM model. This controller adjusts congestion of thecomputer network and commits controlled pressurized signaling features.Many experiments were carried out using different network parametervalues, various queue sizes, and additional disturbances to verify therobustness and efficiency of the proposed controller. From all experimentscarried out in the NS-2 simulator version (2.35), the results show thesuperiority of the FPID controller under different network trafficconditions.