Assessment of Flexible Pavement Behavior Under Dynamic Earthquake Loading
Through cushioning the pressures caused from high traffic at prior asphalt, a reinforcing interlayer delays the formation of cracks at bitumen overlay. Experimental effort comprises of laboratory testing that better known behavior of sand as a subgrade and its impact on flexible pavement and base-course layer during earthquakes. The sand layer was 600 mm thick; the base was 200 mm thick, and the asphalt layer was constructed as a panel with dimensions of 300*300*50 mm, representing surface. These layers are put to the test with varied earthquake loading frequencies of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 Hz. Experiments were divided into two sections: one without geogrid and the other with geo-grid at center of -base and among base and sand. It was discovered that the frequency of ground movement causes cracks in the asphalt layer, which increases with shaking frequency and reduces with geogrid installation.