Quranic recitations which are found in alsihah dictionary by aljawhary(conjugated study)


The present paper deals with the Quranic recitations mentioned in Al- Sahah lexicography in language by Al-Jawahri: a morphological study. He cites (123) recitations, and the number of those recitations attributed to particular recitors was (36) whereas the number of recitations non-attributed to particular recitors was (87). Al-Jawahri has used as evidence exceptional and recurring recitations. The number of recitations dealing with morphological problems was (23). He relayed three of these recitations from Al-Akhfash. The paper is divided into four sections; the first deals with what was recited individually, chorally or combination of groups of recitors. The second section tackles the structures of derivatives, while the third section focuses on the structures of roots of verbs. The forth section tackles the structures of verbs.