Pattern of Cancer mortality in Thi Qar governorate


Abstract:This paper reports the results of a study carried out in Thi Qar governorate during 2007. It aims at quantifying the burden of cancer in terms of number of deaths distribution and specific rates. The data were obtained from all death registration offices in the governorate and covered age, sex, type of cancer, residence and year at which death took place. Six years were covered; 1985, 1986, 1995, 1996, 2005 and 2006.These years were chosen on the basis of feasibility and to allow presentation of any time trends in cancer mortality. The results showed that cancer represent a significant cause of death in Thi Qar governorate. It accounts for 7.3% of all deaths in the studied years with clear increase in both cancer specific mortality rate and cancer proportional mortality ratio with time. Also, cancer deaths were more frequent among males than among females. The geographical distribution shows no major variation except some excess in Nassiriyah city. Five cancers (urinary bladder, lung, Leukaemias, breast and lymphomas) accounted for more than half the deaths recorded in Thi Qar. It is highly recommended that cancer registration is enhanced in Thi Qar and more attention is given to the quality of death registration.