Basra in Amman Historical sources Jurisprudential and historical works and Sir Omani wrote a model


Paper attempts to monitor historical material dealing with signals civilization of the city of Basra in social, economic, scientific and intellectual relations that linked the country of Oman in Iraq in general and Basra in particular, psychotropic cultural exchanges between the two communities of Oman and Iraq, particularly visual, with care sources jurisprudential Omani particular asapproach which employs science support and specifically history curriculum useful and fills a gap in historical research, this as well as that article may be relatively new, and will address the researcher models are offered from sources Omani history with care codes jurisprudential prolific author Omani her through eras of Islamic history different, then focus researchDetails of telecom signals that littered the relevant sources in various aspects and which reflected the pattern of these historical relations have and try to fathom and aspects of the cultural exchanges reflected the historical evidence which retained historical sources and assistance models, it تلخصها Conclusion following paper outlines the outcome of thethe paper of the results.