Evaluation The Factors Affecting Permanent Deformation Using Cyclic Loading Test for Stabilized Subgrade Soil.


Permanent deformation of subgrade soil is the accumulation of plastic deformation due to continuous repeated loads from traffic. The main objective of this study is to investigate some of the factors that affect the permanent deformation of stabilized subgrade soil such as additive type, moisture content, applied stress, curing time and additive percentage. In this research soil samples were tested in the standard case without additive and with the additive, two types of additives have been used (cement and hydrated lime).The test procedure and test results conducted on original soil and treated soil are presented. Soil-lime mixtures were tested under three levels of stress (28, 42, 63) KPa, three curing conditions (3days at 50°C, 7days at 40°C and 28 day at 22°C)with three percents of lime (3% is the optimum lime content),at various moisture contents and dry density corresponding to 95% maximum dry density .The permanent deformations are monitored during 60 load cycles, and the accumulated permanent deformations are determined.