Youth Period in the Life of Moses(pbuh) A Contrastice Study Between The Holy Quraan and the Old Testement
Mosas youth has witnessed lots of import events that have affected thecareer of his life and of Benu-Iraqs.Different narrations have beenpresented to review these events both in the old Testament and the holyQuran event if they have the same content regarding the divine way this stage , he has been characterized with courage and andpatience in facing violent events that he experienced. Although he has beentaken care of in phyrons palace, he refused to obey the disbelievingideas.morover he stood with his people who were suffering from Egyptianphyrons .but when he did not find who supports him , he decided to escapeto madian where he met shuaib (AS).this gave him opportunity to becomfortable and stable to prepare for the next stage of his life which isrepresented by coming back to Egypt to lead his people to the holy land.thsyudy has also touched upon the similarities and differences in narratingthe events in the old testament and Qurans.
Youth Period, the Life, Moses, pbuh A Contrastice Study Between The Holy Quraan, the Old TestementMetrics