Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences

Published by Tikrit University

ISSN: 1813-1719 (Print)

Language: Arabic and English

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1. Publishes Science magazine, Tikrit, administrative and economic research for sound scientific researchers in the disciplines of college (economics, management, accounting, statistics, informatics) from within and outside the university written in Arabic or English. 2. Required in the search should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and on the researcher to undertake in writing when submitting research for publication. 3. Subject research to evaluate the scientific secret duly followed. 4. Research will not be returned to their owners, published or unpublished. 5. Research is published by precedence and received by the Secretariat of editing and editorial staff reserves the right not to publication without giving reasons and its decision is final. 6. Contain a cover page search on the name and rank, scientific researcher and email address and work location and address of the research presented. 7. Referred to the sources and references in the text name of the author and year of publication and page number as follows: (Dora, 1994: 15) and if the source is in English (Porter, 1995: 15). 8. Write a list of sources, one end of the research and arranged alphabetically. 9. Numbered tables and figures, respectively, as given in the research. 10. Researcher is committed to pay all expenses financial implications of the assessment procedures and Publishing 11. Magazine is a quarterly scientific journal sober